Plainfield Behavioral Health Hospital is a new, private facility designed and constructed per current national healthcare facility guidelines. These guidelines are consistent with Texas Administrative Code Title 25 Chapter 134 requirements. All components meet or exceed both guidelines and NFPA 101 requirements. This project included the design and construction oversight of a new 112-bed behavioral hospital containing 67,600 SF on two floors of equal size, as well as accompanying site improvements. Single-occupant patient rooms have been designed with individual toilet rooms included.
Project Details
Located in each wing of the facility, in addition to patient rooms, are group rooms, quiet activity rooms, a day room, a nurse station and ancillary housekeeping/sterile and sanitation areas. Administrative offices and conference rooms are centrally located on the second floor, allowing the first floor to contain a central, secure lobby/reception area. Emanating from the central lobby are consultation rooms, a series of group rooms, dining room, exercise room and secure courtyard. All new patient rooms were designed to the latest standards of behavioral health safety and security requirements for improved overall functionality and observability.

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