Phillips Fundamental Learning Center

Phillips Fundamental Learning Center

Wichita, KS

In 2023, TESSERE completed the $15.3 million Phillips Fundamental Learning Center (FLC), a dedicated space for dyslexic children. The 37,000-square-foot facility, influenced by Frank Lloyd Wright, houses both the Rolph Literacy Academy, a full-day school for children with dyslexia, and the Andeel Teacher Literacy Institute, a training center for educators. Designed for optimal learning, it goes beyond classrooms with a range of amenities to enrich the overall learning experience. In addition to well-equipped classrooms, the space features a boardroom, office spaces, a children’s garden court, a hospitality terrace, and a gym doubling as a tornado shelter. This holistic approach aims to create a welcoming and secure environment.

TESSERE’s cost-effective and sustainable construction, combined with strategic change management, guaranteed the project’s success. Through TESSERE’s innovative design and sustainability measures, combined with FLC’s holistic approach to learning, this new school is poised to make a lasting impact on the lives of students, educators, and parents alike. As the doors of this visionary learning center swing open, a new chapter in education unfolds, shaping the future of Wichita and beyond.

Project Details

This non-traditional facility will provide a welcoming place of comfort for students, parents, and educators. Additional amenities such as a boardroom, office spaces, a children’s garden court, hospitality terrace, and a gym, which also serves as a tornado shelter, are included.


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