Working with the City of Olathe, our design team is currently developing 3,600 LF of sidewalk facilities within the Clear Water Creek Neighborhood in Olathe, Kansas. This process includes completing construction documents, cost estimates, and leading the client through a construction RFP process to select a contractor to build the project. Public engagement and community meetings are also a part of the project scope.
Project Details
This sidewalk project incorporates City standards as well as ADA requirements. The sidewalk has a variable spacing from the curb as needed to accommodate existing features. The project includes a retaining wall adjacent to the sidewalk in some areas, and mailbox and landscaping relocation. Many of the residential driveway approaches will be replaced as a part of this project.The project defines two designated areas for new ADA-compliant sidewalks, and a wider region in which TESSERE is indicating existing sidewalk and curb ramp sections to be repaired and brought into ADA compliance. Sidewalk design considered existing conveyance of stormwater flows with ADA curb ramps designed to not pool water from rainfall events. This project includes providing survey and easement documentation to the City for purchasing land, when warranted. Close coordination with several utility providers was required to ensure a smooth construction process.