New East Patrol Substation Enhancing Public Safety for the City of Wichita, Kansas

September 10, 2024 • Cait Witherspoon • Featured Article

Enhancing Community Safety: Wichita Police Department’s New Patrol Station

The Wichita Police Department is taking a significant step forward in ensuring the safety and efficiency of its operations with the development of their new East Patrol Substation. As the city grows and the demands on local law enforcement increase, the need for a modern, expansive facility has become clear. The current Fire/Police facility, originally designed to support 30-40 personnel, can no longer meet their needs. This new patrol station, however, is set to change the way the department operates and interacts with the community.

A Vision for Growth and Efficiency

The new patrol station will occupy a footprint of approximately 21,000 square feet and is designed to accommodate up to 234 occupants. This expansion will provide much-needed space and functionality, catering to the evolving needs of the police department. The facility will feature a range of specialized areas including:

– Staff Office Spaces
– Secure Evidence Submission Facility
– Locker Room and In-House Workout Room
– Armory
– Sally Port

One of the standout features of the new station is its dual-purpose booking area. Not only will it streamline the intake process with multiple interview rooms, but it is also designed to serve as a community storm shelter. This added functionality underscores the department’s commitment to community safety beyond its primary law enforcement role.

Adapting to New Realities

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for flexible, in-house training spaces. In response, the new facility will include a large multipurpose squad room. This versatile space will serve as a gathering area for department personnel and be adaptable for both active and classroom-style training sessions. Importantly, it will also be available to the community, fostering a stronger, more positive relationship between residents and the police force. By opening this space to the public, the department aims to enhance transparency and build trust within the community.

A Blueprint for the Future

The design and planning of the Wichita East Police Patrol Station were informed by a comprehensive study conducted by TESSERE. This study aligned current and projected staffing needs with modern policing practices to create a concept plan that not only addresses the immediate requirements of the Wichita East Patrol Station but also serves as a template for future neighborhood stations. This forward-thinking approach ensures that the facility will continue to meet the needs of the community and the police force well into the future. Showing that the new patrol station is more than just a building; it’s a symbol of progress and a commitment to fostering a safer, more connected community.