Deteriorated pavement conditions and Federal contracts drove the need for a campus-wide evaluation of Textron Aviation’s parking and traffic circulation. This comprehensive study of Textron’s East facilities in Wichita, Kansas looked at pavement conditions, accessibility needs, parking lot size, circulation, traffic, underground utilities, security, pedestrian movement, and stormwater drainage of the 165-acre campus.
Project Details
Interior circulation paths will include a perimeter roadway to allow in-house deliveries to be made without exiting onto busier city trafficways. A traffic analysis was completed to see if additional signage was needed onto city roadways to mitigate trafficcongestion and determine signal placement. It was determined that several deteriorated lots were no longer needed. TESSERE engineers redesigned the layout and circulation to provide increased security, safer pedestrian pathways, and provide more of
a campus feel. This will be completed by moving parking lots closer to the buildings and dividing out employee, interior deliveries, and exterior deliveries into separate circulation paths. Gate houses and proximity cards will allow traffic in and out of the facility
to be monitored. ADA requirements, updated lighting, underground utilities, and stormwater drainage will all be improved as part of this phased project. Projects will be completed over at least a 10-year span.